Bee's and Bee Hive components available and in stock! call or stop by for more information
Located on THE COUNTRY MILE at:
1007 Mount Kemble Ave
Harding Township
Morristown, New Jersey 07960
(973) 425-9600
Plenty of off-street parking!
Check us out on facebook and twitter
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EASTER is March 31st this year! Thats only 6 weeks away! The Candy Store and our neighbors, "The Ginger Jar" have everythig you need for your Easter shopping! When you walk through the front door you realize that this is a destination for one stop shopping! Chocolate Bunnies of all sizes and shapes that we make right here in our store! Find something for everyone on your list including and decadent chocolates and all kinds of candy! We are open Tuesday through Saturday 11 to 5 PM. This also includes Primrose Brook Farm Bee supplies and local Honey and Organic Vermont Maple Syrup! If we are closed and you need something, text or call 973-769-8201 and I will have your order ready! We are making turtles, pretzels, Oreos, and more daily, for your chocolate cravings.
Thank you all for your support and please stay healthy
Thank you Bernardsville Bubble for all of your support!